There are two written forms of the Chinese phonetic alphabet, the cursive and the printed. 汉语拼音字母有手写体和印刷体两种体式。
China has adopted the Latin alphabet as the Chinese phonetic alphabet. 中国采用拉丁字母作为汉语拼音字母。
After almost one-year study, she and her classmates have learned several hundred Chinese characters through learning Pinyin& the Chinese phonetic alphabet. 经过差不多一年的学习,她和其他同学通过拼音(汉语中的音标字母),已掌握了几百个汉字。
Press the regulation of branch of standard of national language character, the English that always appears with the pronoun form such as person name, place name, all be with letter of Chinese phonetic alphabet accurate. 按国家语言文字规范部门的规定,凡是以人名、地名等代词形式出现的英文,皆以汉语拼音字母为准。
Queen's English also serves as the foundation of the International Phonetic Alphabet promulgated by the International Pronunciation Association ( IPA) established in1886. 国际语音协会于1886年成立,其制定的国际音标也是以标准英语,即英语普通话为基础的。
This dictionary uses a phonetic alphabet as a guide to pronunciation. 这本词典使用一套音标作为发音的指导。
Printing Technology in Restricting the Implementation of the Language Program& Take the Casting of the National Phonetic Alphabet as Example during the Republic of China 论印刷技术对语言规划实施的制约&以民国时期注音国字的铸造为例
Within a Chinese dictionary every word is marked with the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet, which is the only standard for Chinese people to follow. 在汉语字典里,每个字都有明确的拼音标识,这是汉语的唯一标准。
Note: Chinese phonetic alphabet or English names of the applicant and/ or his employer are to be filled in where necessary. 注:申请人如有需要,请自行正确填写个人姓名和/或工作单位名称的拼音或英文译名。
The consonant that begins a syllable is called an initial and there are 21 of them in modern Chinese ( the international Phonetic Alphabet in the brackets). 一个音节开头的辅音叫做声母。现代汉语一共有21个声母(方括弧内是国际音标)。
I was deeply moved by the beautiful "foreign words" at once, and a thirst for mastering the Chinese phonetic alphabet came up in my mind. 一时间我深深地被这行漂亮的“外国”字所打动,心中蒙发了学好汉语拼音的渴望。
Some popular sayings, proverbs, four-word names of scenic sights, etc., are, in addition to their tentative translations, also given in the Chinese phonetic alphabet. 些人们熟知的话、语、点的四字名等则在意译之外,加上汉语音译。
On the Mapping out and Practice of The Scheme For Chinese Phonetic Alphabet 谈谈《汉语拼音方案》的制订推行和扩大应用
Pronunciation is presented in the International Phonetic Alphabet ( IPA) system. 词的发音均用国际音标(IPA)注出。
The Application of the Abridged Code of Phonetic Alphabet to the Management in Medicine Industry 拼音缩写码在医药行业管理中的应用
A mastery of the International Phonetic Alphabet is the basis for learning English. 掌握标准的国际音标,是学好英语的基础。
Puts forward to make use of International Phonetic Alphabet to strengthens the speech teaching. 提出了利用国际音标加强语音教学的方法。
I can spell my name in Hanyu Pinyin, the Chinese phonetic alphabet. 我能用汉语拼音拼出我的名字。
Pronunciations are shouwn in this dictionary us-ing the international phonetic alphabet, which is a standard system. 这本词典的读吾由国际音标标出,这是一个标准体系。
Neutral tone and weak stress in Beijing Mandarin and the transcription of the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet of Putonghua; T: Listen to 1 and repeat, pay attention to the intonation, stress and pronunciation. 北京话的轻声和轻音及普通话汉语拼音的注音听1录音并跟读,提示学生注意语音语调。
The proportion of the International Phonetic Alphabet in Modern Chinese is discussed. 文章探讨了国际音标在现代汉语体系中所占的比重份额;
Introduces the pronunciation problems that the foreign language teaching appears, puts forward to make use of International Phonetic Alphabet to strengthens the speech teaching. 介绍了教师在外语教学方面出现的发音问题,提出了利用国际音标加强语音教学的方法。
The Scheme for Chinese Phonetic Alphabet and the teaching of pronunciation in L2 Chinese 《汉语拼音方案》与世界汉语语音教学
Scheme for Chinese Phonetic Alphabet, Basic Rules of the Orthography of Words and Their Applications 汉语拼音方案和正词法基本规则及其应用
CT and HSK: Concurrently on the Pronunciation of Letters in the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet CT与HSK&兼论汉语拼音字母的读音问题
Chinese Phonetic Alphabet and English Phonetics 汉语拼音与英语语音探析
The Advantages, Limitations and Problems in the Application of Chinese Phonetic Alphabet 汉语拼音应用的优势、局限和问题
The internationalization of Chinese brand-naming has three historical periods, namely: Chinese character, Chinese phonetic alphabet and English. 汉语商标命名国际化大致经历了汉字化、拼音化和英语化三个阶段。
Determination of Words and Handling Chinese Phonetic Alphabet Orthography 词的确定和汉语拼音正词法的处理
At present CPA ( Chinese Phonetic Alphabet) abbreviations are often pronounced as English words. 当前汉语拼音缩略式中的字母常常被读作英语字母。